Group Name: CS2103T-F14-4

By: Chee You, Rushagrid Kunthamas, Sam Yong Jek, Song Tianyi, Tan Jun Bang

Since: Jun 2016 Licence: MIT

1. Introduction

Deliveria is a desktop application that allows a delivery manager to manage and assign delivery tasks efficiently. While it consists of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is user-friendly, Deliveria is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) which allows fast management of the delivery tasks in an organisation.

2. Getting Started

Figure 1. UI

2.1. Installing

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest release here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Deliveria.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

2.2. Scheduling Your First Task

Now you are in! We have prepared a few sample customers and drivers for you to play around.

On a busy day, you might be having many orders coming in, and you want to get your drivers busy delivering them. Let’s go through the process of creating and assigning a task.

  • Create a new task by typing addT g/20 boxes of utensils c/1 dt/22/11/2019 in the command box. You need to substitute 22/11/2019 with the date today. Press Enter to execute the command.

  • You can see the newly created task in the Incomplete Delivery Task box:

adding task
Figure 2. The new task shows up in the Incomplete Tasks box
Take note of the Task ID (i.e. #6), which is used to refer to this task.
  • Execute command suggest 2 t/6, where

    • 2 is the number of hours that you estimate this task will take to complete

    • 6 is the ID of the task that you want to assign

  • You can see Task #6 is assigned to Aloysius Chan at 2:00PM - 4:00PM

suggest task
Figure 3. The task is successfully scheduled
The suggested time slot will either start from now or in the future.
We will optimize the driver and the time based on the drivers' availability and the task. Learn more about the rule in Section 3.2.3, “Automatically scheduling a task: suggest
  • If you are not satisfied with the suggestion, you can overwrite it by typing assign force t/6 d/1 at/1500 - 1600, where:

    • 6 is the Task ID

    • 1 is the Driver ID

    • 1500 - 1600 is the time that you want to change to

Learn more about the assign command in Section 3.2.4, “Manually assigning a task: assign
  • We now have rescheduled the task to 3-4 pm.

reschedule task
Figure 4. The task is rescheduled
The drivers, by default, works from 9 AM to 9 PM. You cannot assign a time beyond the working hours.

You have created and scheduled your first task! Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.

3. Features

Command Format

  • [action] [parameter 1] [parameter 2] [parameter 3]

  • Parameter consists of a delimiter and a word.
    For example, to edit the description of the delivery task (Task ID:3) : editT 3 g/50 packs of frozen chicken

  • Commands are case sensitive

  • Order of parameter is can be reordered freely.

3.1. General Commands

3.1.1. Viewing help : help

List all available commands
Format: help ==== Navigate between tabs : go

Navigates to the specified tab Tl state.
Format: go [TAB_NAME]

  • go statistic

  • go home ==== Lists all Task / Driver / Customer : list

Displays all Task / Customer / Driver list in it’s original state.
Format: list

3.1.2. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

3.2. Task Management Commands

3.2.1. Add a delivery task: addT

Adds a delivery task to the task manager.

  • DATE OF DELIVERY must be today onwards. Date format: d/M/yyyy.

  • All fields are compulsory.


  • addT g/100 frozon boxes of red grouper c/13 dt/10/12/2019

  • addT g/1x washing machine c/10 dt/12/1/2020

3.2.2. Edits a delivery task : editT

Edits a existing delivery task in the task manager.

  • Edited DATE OF DELIVERY must be today onwards. Date format: d/M/yyyy.

  • Only indicate fields that you want to change.

  • Edited DATE OF DELIVERY must be today onwards. Date format: d/M/yyyy.

  • COMPLETED tasks cannot be edited.


  • editT 3 g/50 frozen boxes of catfish
    Edits the description of the task (Task ID: 3) to be 50 frozen boxes of catfish.

  • editT 5 c/2 dt/10/12/2019
    Edits the customer and date of delivery of the task (Task ID: 5) to be Customer (Customer ID: 2) and 10/12/2019 respectively.

3.2.3. Automatically scheduling a task: suggest

Find the most suitable driver and an available time slot to schedule a task, based on the following rules.

  • If there are drivers who deliver to the same customer as the one in this task, the driver who has the earliest available time slot for this task will be selected.

  • If the above rule fails to select a driver, the system will choose among all drivers, and find the driver who has the earliest available time slot for the task.

Format: suggest HOURS t/TASK_ID

  • The HOURS field is in the format of hh:MM or in decimal format. For example, one and a half hours can either be 1:30 or 1.5.

  • The TASK_ID is a positive integer, and the task must exist in the Incomplete Tasks.

  • Use the assign command if you want to assign the task to a specific driver at a specific time.

  • The suggested time slot will only start from now or in the future.


  • suggest 2 t/1
    Find the best driver, using the rules above, who has a two-hour time slot to deliver Task #1.

  • suggest 1:20 t/2
    Find the best driver, using the rules above, who is available for 1 hour and 20 minutes to deliver Task #2.

3.2.4. Manually assigning a task: assign

Assign a driver to a task with a proposed time.
Format: assign [force] t/TASK_ID d/DRIVER_ID at/hMM - hMM

  • You cannot assign a time that clashes with the driver’s existing schedule, or is outside their working hours (9 AM - 9 PM)

  • You cannot propose a time slot that started in the past

  • If there is an earlier time slot that the driver is available, the program will suggest the earlier time slot

  • Use assign force to overwrite a task which already has a driver and a scheduled time

  • The TASK_ID is a positive integer, and the task must exist in the Incomplete Tasks.

  • The DRIVER_ID is a positive integer, and the driver must exist in the driver list.


  • assign t/1 d/1 at/900-1200
    Schedule Task #1 from 9 am to 12 pm, and assign it to Driver #1.

  • assign force t/2 d/1 at/1600-1700
    Schedule task #2 from 4 pm to 5 pm, and assign it to driver #1, regardless whether the task is already assigned.

3.2.5. Removing assigned driver from a task: free

Remove the time slot and driver from a task, and free the driver from this time slot in their schedule.
Format: free t/TASK_ID

  • You cannot free a task that has no driver or time slot assigned to it.


  • free t/1
    Remove the assigned driver and time slot from the task, and free the driver’s schedule.

3.2.6. Mark a delivery task as completed: done

Mark a delivery task as completed.
Format: done [TASK ID]

  • Only tasks that are ONGOING can be marked as COMPLETED. ONGOING tasks refer to tasks with assigned drivers.


  • done 2
    Marks the delivery task with Task ID 2 as COMPLETED.

3.2.7. Gets the details of a delivery task / driver / customer: read

Gets the details a task / driver / customer.
Format: read [c/CUSTOMER ID] | read [t/DRIVER ID] | read [t/TASK ID]


  • read t/3
    Gets the details of task (Task ID: 3).

  • read d/2
    Gets the details of driver (Driver ID: 2).

3.2.8. Deletes a delivery task / driver / customer: del

Deletes a task / driver / customer from its respective managers.
Format: del [c/CUSTOMER ID] | del [t/DRIVER ID] | del [t/TASK ID]

  • Cannot delete a DELIVERY TASK that is on-going. Remove the driver from the task first before deleting.

  • Cannot delete a DRIVER that is assigned to a on-going task. Remove the driver from the task first before deleting.


  • del t/1
    Deletes task (Task ID: 1) from the task manager.

  • del d/2
    Deletes driver (Driver ID: 2) from the driver manager. ==== Views completed delivery tasks delivered to Customer

Displays a list of completed tasks delivered to the customer, located in the completed delivery list under History tab.


  • viewC 1
    View the tasks delivered to the customer (Customer ID: 1).

3.2.9. Views completed delivery tasks delivered by Driver

Displays a list of completed tasks delivered by the driver, located in the completed delivery list under History tab.


  • viewD 1
    View the tasks delivered by the driver (Driver ID: 1).

3.2.10. Saves assigned delivery tasks for a specific date into PDF document: savepdf

The PDF document is arranged in a table format to allow easy reference of the delivery tasks that is assigned to each drivers for the date. Its purpose is for user reference and archive.
Refer to [PdfLayout] for sample.
Format: savepdf [DATE]

  • DATE format is dd/mm/yyy.

  • DATE field is OPTIONAL. If date field is not declared, it will take the date of today.

  • PDF document will be saved in a folder in the same directory as where you put the deliveria.jar.

    • PDF Task Summary will be saved in DeliveryTasks folder as DeliveryTasks [DATE].pdf.

    • PDF Delivery Order will be saved in "DeliveryOrders" folder as DeliveryOrders [DATE].pdf.

  • Use the update command to update the company’s information displayed in the Delivery Order PDF.


  • savepdf pdf/order
    Saves the delivery orders in PDF format for today.

  • savepdf pdf/summary dt/15/11/2019
    Saves the task summary in PDF format for 15/11/2019.

3.3. Customer Management Commands

3.3.1. Add a Customer addC

Adds customer to the customer manager.
Format: addC [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAGS]

  • All fields are compulsory.


  • addC n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 t/friends

3.3.2. View full Customer details viewCW

Opens a separate window with all Customer details and a map showing location of Customer Address.

Working internet connection and valid address is needed for map to work.
  • All fields are compulsory.


  • viewCW 1 === Driver Management Commands

3.3.3. Add a Driver addD

Adds driver to the driver manager.
Format: addD [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAGS]

  • All fields are compulsory.


  • addD n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 t/friends ==== View full Driver details viewDW Opens a separate window with all Driver details
    Format: viewDW DRIVERID

  • All fields are compulsory.


  • viewDW 1

3.4. Company Commands

3.4.1. Updates the company’s information: update

Updates the information of the company so that it can be displayed in the Delivery Order PDF. Refer to savepdf command on how to generate Delivery Order PDF.
Format: update [n/NAME] [a/ADDRESS] [p/PHONE] [f/FAX] [e/EMAIL] [r/CO REG. NO.] [gst/GST REG. NO]

  • Only GST Registration Number is a optional field and can be removed by typing update gst/-


  • update n/Fast Supply Pte Ltd p/67331928
    Updates the company’s name to "Fast Supply Pte Ltd" and phone no to "67331928".

  • update r/18387752B gst/-
    Updates the company’s registration number to "18387752B" and remove GST registration number.

4. Saving the data

Deliveria data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the data file in your previous computer.

Q: Where is the saved file at?
A: It is located in the same folder where the .jar file is. There will be a folder called data.

Q: How do I know the list of commands?
A: The help command will give a list of available commands.

6. Appendix

DeliveryTasks Pdf Layout
Figure 5. PDF Task Summary generated by savepdf command.
Delivery Order Pdf
Figure 6. PDF Delivery Order generated by savepdf command.